1. Question - What does VM Oiltools Do?

Answer- VM Oiltoos is into sales, supply & running of Well completion equipments, tools and materials. And also oil and gas Oilfield engineering services

2. Question - Where is VM Oiltools headquarter?

Answer- The company's corporate headquarter is in Osubi, Delta State, Nigeria.

3. Question - How do VM Oiltools & its employees give back to communities?

Answer- Investing in our communities has been central to VM Oiltools corporate culture since the inception of the company. VM Oiltools and its employees take direct and effective action to make a difference positively in every location and region where we have a presence.

4. Question - How is the Company Organised?

Answer- VM Oiltools is categorised into two divisions:- Sales, Supply and Running of Well completions equipments, tools and materials.- Oil and gas oilfield engineering services.


S/N ---------- MONTH---------- LOCATION------------------- DATE

1. ------------MARCH-----------WARRI WORKSHOP -------19TH MARCH, 2016

2. ------------MAY---------------WARRI WORKSHOP -------15TH MAY, 2016.

3. ------------AUGUST----------WARRI WORKSHOP -------7TH AUGUST, 2016.

4. ------------NOVEMBER------WARRI OFFICE -------------29TH NOVEMBER, 2016.

NOTE: The dates are subject to change