VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LIMITED is committed to having a safe and healthy workplace. Because the cost of accident is always in folds compared to the cost of prevention, the Management of VM OILTOOLS SERVICES will not hesitate to employ all systems practicable in ensuring that accidents are reduced as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
As a result of this, Management has seen the importance of involving all staff in the bid to reduce accidents. VM OILTOOLS SERVICES will always encourage any staff who identify accident-prone areas of the operation and act in line to ensure that such situations are corrected or eliminated as soon as possible.
In VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LIMITED, we recognise the fact that safety seat belt enhances the chance of survival and reduces the risk of injuries in vehicle accidents.
As such, it is mandatory as a matter of policy for every worker, especially on company’s business to always fasten his/her seat belt.
All light and heavy-duty vehicles, trucks, etc, must have seat belts fitted in them and must be fasten by drivers, mates and operators always.
The “NO SEAT BELT, NO ENTRY or EXIT” rule shall be enforced at points of entry into company premises or facilities by security.
All line management personnel are to ensure compliance with this policy.
Serious penalty awaits defaulters of this policy.
It is the policy of VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LIMITED to strictly forbid the use, unauthorized possession, distribution or sale of drugs, alcohol, controlled or illegal substances by personnel engaged in company business. It is also the policy of the company to adhere to the reasonable policies of its customers in this regard.
In respect of this, VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LIMITED is committed to the following objectives:
To ban the possession or use of alcohol, drug or controlled substances on Company premises.
To expel anyone from company premises after it has been verified that they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
To search any person, their personal effects, their vehicle and its contents, if that person is suspected of the unauthorised detention of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances on Company premises/workplace. >
In order to improve the hygienic condition of work environment and to reduce potentials for accident, fire hazard, and waste, there shall be good housekeepink in all the base at all times.
VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LIMITED has decided to develop a security policy to:
• Ensure security of its employees and contractors.
• Identify and document security risks for all key activities.
• Develop Security plans in consultation with the company’s security adviser.
• Establish an effective contact with outside agencies such as police, customs, immigration and fire service.
• All site workers shall be aware of security, safety and emergency procedures.
VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LIMITED Environmental Protection Policy seeks to identify, assess and mitigate environmental risks to personnel, clients, contractors, regulatory bodies and host community and to achieve all objectives outlined in this plan.
VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LIMITED applies its Policy to all operations, in addition to which we are always mindful of indigenous environmental issues when setting up operations in any new area.
Good house keeping is one of the stones of safety on construction. Many serious accidents result from people tripping, slipping and falling over equipment which are poorly stored or placed on access routes in hazardous. Good house keeping means maintaining the site and ancillary accommodation safe and hygienic manner. All employees and supervisors should accept real house keeping practices with a view to preventing accidents and promoting House keeping Policy.
The main objectives of a good housekeeping plan are;
To eliminate accident and fire hazards.
To conserve space, time, materials and effort.
To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
1 – The duty of anyone observing an accident on site is to immediately inform the HSE officer or any supervisor.
2 – The HSE officer/ Supervisor takes the victim(s) to the ON SITE
CLINIC for medical assistance.
3 – Briefly describe:
• Nature of the accident
• Number of victims
• Condition of the victim(s)
• Nature of injury
• Location of the accident
For accidents off site, use Telephone to call HSE Officer for assistance.
4 – Trained first aid personnel (HSE officer & Supervisors) will Administer Treatment to the victim(s) until the medic/ambulance arrives.
5 – In case of illness or slight injury, the victim(s) receives first aid treatment on site and is taken to any of the retainer clinics, if necessary.
While smoking is dangerous to health as warned by the Federal Ministry of Health, Smokers’ freedom of choice is recognized and respected.
It has however, been conclusively proven that smoking in public exposes non-smokers to health related hazards.
It is the duty of VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LIMITED to protect her employees from unnecessary exposure to health hazards.
VM OILTOOLS LTD has surpassed the Nigerian content directive (NCD) to domicile over 70% engineering service in Nigeria, significant portion of our services. On the remaining section we are committed to increasing local content to achieve Nigeria content drive. To pursue this commitment, VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LTD has established a local content division aimed at developing: Capacity building Procurement Recruitment Training.
Community affairs entail regards to the community around the project area, which the operation is carried out. It is the policy of VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LTD that: Prior to any job execution, communities in such areas would always be consulted. In the community forum, the benefits of the project will be elucidated and would be in conformity with client for community developments.
In line with Client project, it is our desires: To be leaders in the Oil and Gas Industry creating value for our Customer with Technology, Innovative Solutions, Execution excellence and world-class Talent.
VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LTD has constantly provided employment opportunity for young Nigerians. We strongly believe in updating our personnel in their various skills by making provision for in-house and on the job training. Our work policy is developing young Nigerians to meet with the everyday challenges in the oil and gas industry. Our local content plan involves a system of the job training that enable a direct transfer of technology for our technical partners. This will give our indigenous engineers firsthand experience in their job areas. VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LTD training plan emphasizes advance skill, leadership and involvement in industry activities. In addition trainee development is not limited to a single discipline, but rather encompasses exposure to other disciplines as well.
VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LTD have it as a policy to send permanent staff on training and upon their return train their subordinates to ensure knowledge transfer within the company. This will help the company to operate smoothly when some key personnel are absent. VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LTD operates open door policy to ensure that information concerning workers and their operations are made available at all time.
VM OILTOOLS SERVICES LTD have put in place a formal document control procedure which impact all its area of operation and how documents are issued and handled to ensure a smooth administrative control in all areas of operations and offices as well.